Monday, August 31, 2009

US Asia Expo Arizona Sept 17-18

The US-Asia Investment and Business Expo Arizona will be held on Thursday and Friday September 17-18, 2009 at the Camelback Inn in Scottsdale, Arizona.

The US-Asia Expo Arizona is presented by Arizona International Growth Group (AZIGG) and will feature Phoenix Mayor Phil Gordon and leaders from Greater Phoenix Economic Council (GPEC), Arizona Department of Commerce, Arizona Chamber and global business and investment experts from across Arizona.

Primary Expo Events
Thursday, 9/17/09 7:00 – 9:00am Enterprise Network Executive Forum breakfast.

Thursday, 9/17/09 12:30 – 5:00pm US-Asia Expo Arizona main program.
Thursday, 9/17/09 5:30 – 8:00pm Global VIP Networking.
Friday, 9/18/09 7:30 – 10:00am Global Recap Breakfast


Who should attend the US-Asia Expo Arizona:

  1. Business owners of Asia-based companies who are attending the Los Angeles US-Asia Business Forum Sept 9-13.
  2. Arizona business owners who are interested to learn about and engage in global business.
  3. Arizona community leaders who are looking to support global growth and partnerships.
  4. Sponsoring companies in Arizona who seek to gain from commerce between Arizona, Asia and the world.
  5. Expert speakers to address the audience of business and community leaders for discussions that increase commerce.

All the best, Doug

Doug Bruhnke, AZIGG (Arizona International Growth Group)

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